A branch and bound algorithm for logic partitioning problem 逻辑划分问题的分枝限界算法
Finally, the intelligence and bid system is analyzed and designed. Business logic layer and presentation layer components are obtained through partitioning modules of the system in detail using component technology. 本文最后对资质与招投标系统进行了分析与设计,采用组件技术对该系统进行详细的模块划分,得到业务逻辑层和表示层通用组件,并对这些通用组件进行了设计。
Logic Partitioning for Multiterminal Network Model 多端网模式下的逻辑划分
Because of the potential parallelism in the process of logic partition, we also studied parallel logic partitioning algorithm. 本文还对并行逻辑分割方法进行了研究,提出了两种基于不同任务分配策略的并行分割算法,并对其进行了模拟和性能分析;
This paper presents the tree structure of the solution set for logic partitioning problem and some matrix inequalities relating to the total amount of pins. 本文给出了逻辑划分问题解集合的树结构以及有关总针数的若干矩阵不等式,建立了一个分枝限界算法。